The Ka-JING Method

Helping You Raise Vibration & Reclaim Your True Essence So You Can Create The Life You Are Worth.

Are You Ready To Experience A Life Beyond Depletion?

The Ka-JING Method helps Women make huge shifts in a short amount of time...

The reason the Ka-JING method is so successful is that it targets all aspects of YOU and does not allow room for bypassing the root of the problem. In other words, we find where your JING (energy) is leaking and we fix it. Ka-JING holds lifelong tools that offer women healing, transformation, and renewed vitality simultaneously.

Embodying Ka-JING is so powerful and exciting that it becomes a way of life.

You're probably...

  • Fatigued, depleted and tired of life's circumstances
  • Low in energy and mood
  • Stressed, anxious and depressed
  • Drained and emotionally reactive
  • Feeling untrue to yourself, disconnected and missing your own identity
  • Unsatisfied and unfulfilled
  • Lacking purpose and passion
  • Unable to take action towards acquiring your goals

Get ready to...

  • Feel energized and renewed
  • Become resilient so you can move through obstacles without getting drained
  • Experience your true essence, sense of self and shine
  • Improve mood and regulate emotions so you can feel joy, inner peace and nurture your relationships
  • Expand consciousness so you can personally grow and help others
  • Align with your purpose and feel passionate about your life
  • Explore your purpose, power and personal freedom

The Ka-JING Method with Alyssa Martyn

I Can Help You Rise and Thrive...

In Chinese Medicine, there are 3 treasures that are vital to sustaining human life: Jing, Qi, and Shen. Each feeds into the other.

Jing is the first treasure. The treasure that is your essence. It is the energy of YOU and your unique frequency.

It is the foundation of your vitality, creativity, and longevity. Jing is what animates you, makes you feel alive and turned on for life.

We inherit JING from our parents, it’s our soul's trust fund, our savings account of long-term energy. Over time our JING depletes, expenditure occurs, due for example, to trauma, illness, psychological and emotional stress. So, we are talking about your essence, your energy and your light diminishing!

Now, we can't make more jing, once the jing is gone, that's it, however, in addition to our inheritance we have another jing account that we can top up, think of it as your checking account.

The aim is to preserve your trust fund and top up your checking account. It's important if you want a better quality of life and to not feel worn out and old!

Losing our JING affects the other two treasures and can have us feeling lifeless, dissatisfied, demotivated, disconnected, questioning how we even got here in the first place, how we lost the spark, and why life just feels like a struggle. Worst case, you might suffer from pain, emotionally and physically, stress, anxiety, or depression.

With the Ka-JING Method, you will learn to identify what is diminishing your jing and how to stop its depletion, you will learn how to cultivate jing so that you not only feel ALIVE but you will THRIVE in life, become resilient and show your TRUE ESSENCE.

When you IGNITE not only do you feel good but people are drawn to you, you become a magnet for positivity. It's time to get LIT and BURN not burn out.

I'm IN!

Hi, I'm Lys and I'm here to help you raise your vibration ...

I was diagnosed with mental health issues at 8 years old after my mother had a nervous breakdown. I spent 19 years battling depression, anxiety, stress, obsessive-compulsive disorder, suicidal thoughts, and borderline eating disorders. Doctors prescribed medicine but I was determined to heal naturally.

Throughout this time I explored many methods, therapies, healing modalities, treatments and furthermore, my self. What I didn't realize was that I had everything I needed to heal for it's what was helping me survive, the problem was all of what I knew was disconnected. What was missing was integration, embodiment and a focussed holistic approach to healing and transforming. This is how and why The Ka-JING Method was born.

When I walked away from my career as an actress and singer, I surrendered and chose to commit to healing fully. I was then ready to fulfill my full potential. I had a bigger calling and the universe landed me there within 1 year of changing paths.

Now an Energy Psychology, Voice, Empowerment & Expression Coach, I help women manage and master their energy (emotions) so they can live a life full of love, truth and freedom. A life they want to show up fully for.

I am a certified practitioner in NLP, Mindfulness, Energy Psychology, Trauma Healing, Yoga, Yin, Meditation, Voice and Movement. I combine spirituality with psychology for an all-rounded approach to treating the whole human.

I work with the mental, spiritual, emotional, physical and vocal aspects of the human combining several modalities and energy psychology so that beyond healing and transformation women can own their expression, play life full out and help others to rise.

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Introducing The Ka-JING Method

9 -Week Self- Study Program

A program designed for those who want to raise vibration, eliminate depletion and show up authentically and fully in all areas of life so they can start attracting positive experiences and create a life that fulfills them.

Here's what we'll go through...

Treating The Whole Human

With Ka-JING you will become conscious and aware, reprogram your subconscious mind, learn emotional regulation, energy master and heal trauma thus releasing the anchors holding you down energetically. This involves healing at the root on a cellular and spiritual level.

You'll work on overcoming limiting beliefs, patterns, regulating your emotions, raisng vibration and changing conditioning behaviors. You'll also face your shadows and fall back in love with YOU, learn how to cultivate your energy and own your truth so you can show up authentically and powerfully in everyday life.

You'll do this by integrating all aspects of yourself so you can embody abundance within and without, raise your vibration, and align energetically. This is how you co-create with the universe to draw in the life you want.

How? By expanding Mind, Body, Heart, Soul and Voice.

​In addition to 1:1 with Alyssa, you are supported with The Self Collective Embodiment Membership and the Ka-JING online area.

This means you are supplied with all the practices and tools that enable you to heal, raise vibration and connect to your truth so you can thrive.

Materials include practices in nervous system regulation, yin yoga, yoga for healing, meditation, breathwork, somatic movement. vocal release and sound. All of which help in healing trauma by rebalancing the nervous system and bringing you into the present moment.

In 9 weeks you...

Awaken, Identify Problems & Clarify Your Vision

Rewire Your Program, Nurture New Beliefs & Adopt New Behaviours

Release Trauma, Meet Your Shadows, Learn Real Self- Love and Ascend Energetically

Utilize Your Emotions, Connect to Your Intuition, Replenish Within & Reignite Your Fire

Liberate Your Truth & Activate Your Voice So You Can Better Your Relationships and Communicate Authentically

Tap Into Your Resources, Align With Your Purpose & Spark Your Creativity

Clear, Heal & Be Guided By Emotions So You Can Step Into Your True Essence and Self

Raise Your Vibration, Discover Satisfaction, Take Action & Surrender To The Flow

Current Success Stories

Meet our incredible women...

Karen, Rebekah, Sophie, Charlotte, Sanny and Dani...


Children's Counsellor

"It is so easy to let go in your sessions Alyssa or should I say, I am finding that I can let go more and more since joining your programs.  


So much resonates with me as an individual and as a professional - I am so aware that I am nodding so much in agreement with things you teach and say that I wonder if my head might fall off!


I am like a sponge in the sessions - absorbing every word!


Thanks to your teaching and guidance - it enables me to be truly present for clients and it helps them to safely process their life difficulties.  But basically, to say, your teaching is so far-reaching - what an incredible cycle of energy sharing. 


So once again, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!"



Psychological Therapist

I was struggling to find general ‘peace’ in my
life. I just felt I needed to heal from a lifetime of on and off mental health problems. I wanted to learn how to reach a higher vibration but also learn to shift the negative energetic state I felt in my body. As a Psychological therapist, I am much better at working
with the mind, but less with the body. I wanted to learn to bring it all together and this is what this course helped me do. It’s something completely different and I had never done
anything like this before. I wanted to connect with my deeper self and just generate positive energy within me, but also around me. I wanted to learn to improve my relationships with
others, but also with myself.

Since doing the course, I have noticed such a difference with consciousness around breathing. I have also learned to let go of people that no longer serve me as I was holding onto them for a long time. I have learned about masculine and feminine energies and just
about trying to get a balance of the two. I know I needed to be kinder to myself for sure and slow down day to day. I learned more about myself, my needs, my shortfalls but also ways to emotionally regulate myself when I need to.

I would absolutely recommend this programme to anyone who is wanting to tap into their spiritual side, but also build that closeness between mind and body work. It holds you accountable to do the work and really helps you feel less alone what with you are facing. I felt at my highest vibration whilst doing the course.

The work I have done with Alyssa has been transformational, it is a journey and I am still on board but it has been important for me to do the more intensive experiences of the euphoria programme.

I am a therapist so I believe fully in the verbal expression of emotion from past and present as a way of healing mental and physical ill health, however there were always times this wasn’t enough. For me, I to have done personal therapy but working in a stressful environment during lockdown led me into a full stress reaction both mentally and physically and it was moving my body in yoga and doing relaxation and meditation that helped me, firstly to cope with the current situation and then to become aware of what I was holding in my body by way of blocked emotion from the past.

I came to realise that all my chakras were misaligned due to issues I wasn’t addressing in most, if not all of my relationships and areas of life such as unhappiness in work and feeling overwhelmed with everything else, such as feeling I wasn’t giving enough to anyone else. Alyssa helped me to see I wasn’t giving enough to myself and that fundamentally that had to change before I could ever feel like I could be enough for anyone else. This helped me to see that it was because of never having been given enough space in my own childhood to express my emotions that I had internalised the belief that others should come first or were always the priority, leaving me feeling empty inside and lost.

Joining Alyssa helped me feel a sense of belonging to a group again and gave me a sense of being accepted by others and therefore acceptable. While the change had to come from within there is a power that comes from others believing in you and them saying ‘Charlotte you are enough’.

Alyssa has helped me to see that for the full processing of trauma to occur movement and body work are essential components of the overall recovery journey and this will help me now to guide others in the right direction when blocks arise in talking therapy. It has also helped me to see that in order to prevent a stress reaction from recurring, I have to do regular work on unblocking emotion, still trapped in my body from years of suppressing my emotions as a child and work on the free expression of emotion to prevent this build up from happening again.

This requires regular journaling, movement and meditation. Yoga is much more than flexibility and posture it is about mind and body moving out of stress, into a state where everything can be felt and therefore faced, without a fear of it being overwhelming.

It changes lives, so give yourself this chance, Alyssa is so compassionate and shows no judgement what so ever, but offers total acceptance of you for all that you are and this and her personality is what carries you through the pain you may feel and opens up the possibility of real change occurring from within you, at your inner most core.


Mental Health Therapist

"The work I have done with Alyssa has been transformational.


I came to realise that all my chakras were misaligned due to issues I wasn’t addressing in most, if not all of my relationships and areas of life such as unhappiness in work and feeling overwhelmed with everything else, such as feeling I wasn’t giving enough to anyone else. Alyssa helped me to see I wasn’t giving enough to myself and that fundamentally that had to change before I could ever feel like I could be enough for anyone else. This helped me to see that it was because of never having been given enough space in my own childhood to express my emotions that I had internalized the belief that others should come first or were always the priority, leaving me feeling empty inside and lost.

Alyssa has helped me to see that for the full processing of trauma to occur movement and bodywork are essential components of the overall recovery journey and this will help me now to guide others in the right direction when blocks arise in talking therapy. It has also helped me to see that in order to prevent a stress reaction from recurring, I have to do regular work on unblocking emotion, still trapped in my body from years of suppressing my emotions as a child and work on the free expression of emotion to prevent this build-up from happening again.

It changes lives, so give yourself this chance, Alyssa is so compassionate and shows no judgment whatsoever, but offers total acceptance of you for all that you are and this and her personality is what carries you through the pain you may feel and opens up the possibility of real change occurring from within you, at your innermost core."

I was immediately drawn to Alyssa’s positive aura and energy. Once I learned about Alyssa’s coaching, I knew this was what I needed. Ka-jing seemed to fit exactly what I needed being a new mum that was tired, depleted and in need of some help.

Alyssa helped me to recognise that I carried an immense about of guilt, shame and lower vibration emotions that were weighing me down and putting me in a state of suffering following the birth of my baby and being a new mum. She helped me to recognise the things that were not serving me e.g. language I was using, beating myself up or trying to me a perfectionist. She helped me learn to love my light and dark sides without judgement. After having just 1-2 sessions with Alyssa I felt immediate results it was almost a snowball effect of positive changes.

My relationships have improved, I’m enjoying more time with my daughter, I was having so much more gratitude for what I have, I feel more in control of my feelings and my sense of purpose and direction in life. I almost felt frustrated with myself that I had wasted so much of my life not enjoying life to its fullest, but grateful that Alyssa had helped me see things more clearly and lift me out of a dark place. 

The program also helped me tap into my inner intuition and learning to trust my own decisions. I am feeling so much more confident in myself and being myself. 

As a results of the program, I have since taken up a new job, studying towards a new course and I have found time to experience more fun and joy in life and especially enjoying being a new mum. I have also become more self-aware of my emotions and feelings so I can deal with crisis when it occurs.

A combination of Alyssa’s 1-2-1 coaching, her yoga sessions and meditation all helped to make this possible. I am so thankful to Alyssa for all her support!!

Alyssa has given me so many amazing tools and recommendations to work with which I could choose from to work for me. Alyssa is very practical and clearly knows her stuff in this field and I have learned so much from her. The visualisation tools particularly resonated with me and the work on letting go. 


I really like that Alyssa always made me feel I could reach out to her if I needed and provided a safe environment for me to express myself.


If you can get any chance to work with Alyssa on one of her programs I would highly recommend as it is life changing!  She has a very gentle, supportive and practical approach to her coaching styles and you get so much value from every encounter with her.


Alyssa is amazing and I really connected with her, she is such a beautiful soul! I couldn’t have wished for a better mentor. If anyone is debating whether they should go for the program, I would say GO FOR IT you won’t regret it and it will be the best investment in yourself. Alyssa is more than just a coach / mentor she is like family!

Time To Enrich Yourself...


What Would Life Look Like After Ka-JING...

You will be strong, robust, resilient, and have a positive outlook and attitude towards yourself and life. You will be able to handle stressful situations without becoming drained and you will continue to grow and expand with all the self-awareness practice and tools you have learned inside this program. You will become a magnet for positivity and know how to move through life's obstacles, rising above hardship and inspiring others to do the same.

By the end of this program you will:

  • Have a toolbox for thriving in life not just surviving
  • Feel reconnected to your true essence and identity
  • Know how to nurture your relationships with self, family and colleagues
  • Be ready to go get your desires and goals
  • Feel inner peace and satisfaction in the present
  • Feel energized to make things happen for yourself

What's included...

The Ka-JING Method is a 9-week- 9 module program.

Ka-JING is accompanied by an online portal that includes extra materials, embodiment membership VIBE for further healing, transformation and nervous system regulation,

In the online area alone you have access to over 300 practices and workshops.

If you follow The Ka-JING Method you will rise as a woman, heal and completely transform your life!

Find out if this program is for you...

You're done...

  • Playing victim
  • Feeling stuck
  • Letting emotions and low mood rule your life
  • Feeling fatigued and tired of life's circumstances

You're ready to...

  • Take action now
  • Trust and believe in your healing and transformation
  • Commit to yourself
  • Raise vibration and live life fully!


Where do sessions take place?

The sessions are in video format in the online portal. You will have access to the course for one year.

What time will the sessions be?

This is a self-paced program.

How do I access the extra material and what does it include?

You will receive all login details via email with access to the online portal where you will find all 9 modules PLUS extra materials.

You also have 9-week access to the VIBE membership where all holistic practices and workshops are available for further study and nervous system regulation.

What makes Ka-JING different from other programs?

In Ka-JING we librate mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical bodies so there is no room to bypass the root cause. We also take a trauma-informed approach which means Healing and Transformation in one go on both a spiritual and cellular level.

How long are the calls?

Calls are 60 -90 minutes minutes

When will I feel results?

Most clients feel it after the first session, and the work is continuous from that point. The more you embody, the more you transform.

Ka-JING offers you life-long tools to take with you and use forever.